Saturday, September 23, 2006


Joe Music is Now Live!

Joe Barter's always looking for business partnerships to benefit his members. That's why he signed on the dotted line with Music Interactive, a company that specializes in music download promotions and building brand awareness of a company's products through music.

If you're into music, particularly edgier sounds, check out the free download of "Moving Forward" from Protokoll, a group from Boston that's hot in the United Kingdom and now setting its sights on the US market.

The group's music "blends punk and psychedelic rock with a very danceable feel" and is "best for listening when driving in the afternoon at high speeds." Preferably on the right side of the road (or the left if you're in the UK).

This free music download for Joe Barter registered members is courtesy of the movie "Jackass: Number Two." Which may be best appreciated after chugging a keg of beer.

To get your free music download, go to and register if you've not done so already. Then click "Joe Media" and "Joe Music." You have to view the "Jackass" movie trailer before you can download the song, but, hey, the trailer's short and pretty damn funny, even if you're sober.

Coming soon, another free music download, this one courtesy of Mitsubishi.

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